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Montour Elementary School - STEAM

We spent a week with elementary students to create a chandelier that will hang in their school.  We met with 400 students for 40 mintues where they learned about STEAM:

S, science=Grout starts as powder, becomes a liquid when mixed with water, then hardens and becomes a solid.

T, technology=We took a picture of the old schools, printed them and the children used those to create the scenes. The students also made their own word search using words relating to our project.

E, engineering=Lights will be hung inside the chandelier. The chandelier will be created from three windows.

A, art=The school will have a light fixture that is beautiful.

M, math=Doors and windows are rectangles. 


Gotta love a teacher who creates this experience for her students! 

Burkett Elementary School
Photo of Ingram Elementary School on the Left, Mosaic on the Right
Forest Grove Elementary School
The Final Three Pieces

To register for a class, for more information or for pricing contact Debbie at 412-427-5500 or

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I take time to discuss your vision and to create a one of a kind piece of art.

If you are new to custom work I will walk you through every step - it's fun and easy!

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