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  • Debbie Maier Jacknin

Forever Yours - Our lives are enhanced by the people we love and by those who love us.

Updated: Feb 23, 2023

I'll never forget how I felt when I first glanced at my daughters. My love was intense, and my life was never the same. Overnight, what I thought was important changed.

When I was young, I would roll my eyes when my parents spoke or did certain things. Later, I saw wisdom in their words and found myself repeating what they said to my children. I never rolled my eyes when my grandparents talked. That love felt different. I can always count on my sister to laugh at my jokes. She can tell if I've had a good day or need to be comforted just by the way I say hello.

Sometimes we get angry with those we love the most. They can hurt us or say things that can hurt us at our core. And we can hurt them. I remember my stepfather saying, "just be kind to each other." Imagine if we all took those words to heart? Might we speak differently to our loved ones?

My dog greets me with his whole body. His ears go up, his eyes smile, his tail wags, and he circles me until I say hello. He loves with his whole body. Maybe we should do this? Imagine if we humans greeted each other as if seeing one another was the best thing that happened that day!

The love we have for those we choose to be in our lives is its own type of special. There are friends we have known for years or new friends that add much to our lives.

When I first met my late husband, I was very independent and used to doing things for my myself. Early in our relationship, he arrived at my house before I did. He noticed it was trash day and took out my garbage. You would have thought he gave me diamonds, chocolates, and roses by how much I appreciated the gesture. As time wore on, I learned to lean on him and worked hard to make sure I never take those simple things for granted.

Why did I name this stained-glass mosaic "Forever Yours?" When it was done, I saw two different things when I looked at the birds. First, I considered how I used to lean on Larry and the lorikeet in back looks like it is leaning on the one in front.

Larry passed away in 2016, and I often feel like he is looking out for me. I am the bird in front of Larry's bird? While I can't see Larry, I can still feel his love.

Forever Yours:

Love that transcends. Love that lasts. Love that forgives. Love that lasts forever.

Arie, the shop dog passed away this week. Songbird Artistry is located across the street from Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh. Arie provided much love to the little patients, their parents and to our friends, family & customers.

I adopted Ruthie Barker Ginsburg October 25, 2020.

She loves her job as Songbird Artistry's shop dog.

Remember your loved one or let someone you care about know they are Forever Yours. Available on bibs, onesies, child shirts, and adult long sleeve, short sleeve or V-neck shirts.

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